Virtual Reality Team Building Events


For a UNIQUE team building opportunity, our Virtual Reality (VR) sessions are perfect!

Imagine the EXHILARATION you’ll feel when your team successfully…

Learning Themes for BETTER Results

The VR experience is so MEMORABLE, we help you capitalize by intentionally “locking in” the learning to further enhance your team culture and overall effectiveness.

Which theme best aligns with your current needs?

  1. COMMUNICATION emphasizes problem solving, team work and skills to build and maintain a speak up culture

  2. INNOVATION includes additional creativity, conflict resolution and risk-taking skills embedded

  3. LEADERSHIP establishes the importance of clarity and inspiration - great for elevating existing leaders and assessing and developing new leaders

Each theme can be adapted to support team building goals or to emphasize real-world challenges, all designed to better equip you on how to best lead and support your team going forward

With our extensive best-in-class VR game inventory, we can deliver multiple sessions to the same team using different game experience all while building on the learning foundation you choose.

Session Deliverables typically include:

  1. Aligning your game play and the embedded learnings with your top priorities

  2. Developing each attendee’s knowledge of their own leadership style and strengths

  3. Aligning your venue experience (including food and beverage) with your team building goals

  4. A fun filled UNIQUE VR session of 30 minutes for each team of 4

  5. Identifying and labelling the leadership lessons and skills for ongoing use

What nexxt chapter clients are saying:  

“Our North American Leadership team’s VR experience was a 10 of 10!

I learned more about how to best support my team from observing their behavior and interactions

than I knew from the years I’ve been working with them.”

President, North American Energy Services Company

Thank you NexXT Chapter for partnering with us to deliver a 10 of 10 event. You helped us achieve our teambuilding goals & our attendees ranked their VR experience as GREAT - looking forward to similar events in the future!

                     Industrial Leadership Group, Canadian Construction company

 “Our Virtual Reality teambuilding experience with NexXT Chapter was GREAT!

The game play and personality styles helped us learn and grow as a team.

The communication and problem-solving lessons embedded and

the importance of living a speak up culture was also valuable.

Thank you again - looking forward to our next VR session in December!”

General Manager, Western Canadian Equipment Provider

  To unlock the potential of your leadership and your team, contact us today!

For those willing to learn and grow, their NexXT chapter is always more compelling than the last.
— Michael Powell, NexXT Chapter Solutions Group