1. Better Results for your organization
increasing profit
improving leader work/life balance
Seeking better results from yourself and your team?
For Senior Leaders and Leadership teams, our proven operating model, related tools and direct support will have you executing the “right activities, more often, and more effectively."
Key outcomes include:
Leadership development, performance development, effective meetings
Identifying Key Metrics, setting Annual, Aspirational Goals and Quarterly goals
Establishing a Customer Focused strategy and related Core Values as a foundation
Creating IDEAL roles & strengthening the key processes vital to your organization
Investment in yourself and your team includes:
Up to 48 session hours and direct support from a highly qualified resource
A leadership “toolbox” for each participant
A pledge to realize 10X ROI together for each dollar invested - measured in profitability
A customized roll-out to align with your work schedule and meeting rhythms
Eg. Regularly scheduled 2 hour sessions rolled out over 24 sessions
2. revenue
Seeking more revenue? more customers? more opportunity?
For Sales Leaders, Sales and Customer Service professionals, this proven model strengthens your business development skills and supports your customer through their buying process for better, healthier results.
To realize PROFITABLE revenue growth, key outcomes include:
Understanding why customers buy and each stage of a complex buying decision
Outlining the roles and high value activities you can use to best support your customer
A comprehensive sales manual for each attendee
A customized Sales and Marketing growth strategy and execution plan
Investment fee for each participant includes:
Up to 48 session hours and direct support from a highly qualified resource
A “toolbox” of sales and growth related resources for ongoing use
A pledge to realize 10X ROI together - measured in revenue growth
For best results, your roll-out will be aligned with your work schedule
Is your leadership a competitive advantage?
By investing in your leadership and unlocking the potential within yourself, your team and organization, your highlights will include:
Understanding self to best lead others
Attracting and onboarding IDEAL team players
Increasing employee engagement
Experiencing first hand the growth and development of your team
Success will be measured by improved leader satisfaction, improved work/life balance, increased employee satisfaction and better results as defined by the key metrics you use to measure your teams’ progress.
Investment fee for each participant includes:
Up to 48 session hours and direct support from a highly qualified resource
Accelerated options and team building sessions are available
A leadership “toolbox” for ongoing use
Does your organization have a clear path forward?
If you don’t have plan for recovery or for where the market is headed - that aligns with and includes your entire Leadership team - our planning tools can help you pull yourself out of your business and get “back on top.”
Success will be measured by the purpose and confidence you and your organization will gain from building and executing on your forward focused plan in your new fiscal year.
What is your plan to recover down revenues?
To Grow your organization?
If you’re unsure of how or where to pivot next, you can use our strategic planning tools to affirm your strengths, identify blind spots and identify opportunities to earn more revenue and more customers.
Success will be measured by the purpose and confidence you’ll gain from implementing a forward focused Revenue Growth plan that is supported by your entire organization.
As you execute your plan, success will then be measured by new revenues you’ll realize from learning, adapting and revising your focus and related activities for even better results.
““If you treat an individual as they are, they will remain as they are.
But if you treat them as if they were what they ought to be and could be,
They will BECOME what they out to be and could be.”