A passion for athletics has provided some great life experiences and I’m thankful for the lessons learned from competitive team sport.    

Witnessing individuals and teams realize their potential and achieve more than expected has always inspired me.

Today, engaging and developing the talent within a team remains a passion of mine.

The teams I’ve led and supported have delivered compelling results, and as a lifelong learner, I continue to seek out better, healthier and more effective approaches. 

With appreciation to the mentors who believed in me and provided first-hand experience to models like Traction and Scaling Up, I’m thankful to have uncovered a better way.    

In seeking out best practices, and with appreciation to thought leaders like John Maxwell, Patrick Lencioni, Jim Collins, Simon Sinek and many others, their insights have formed our Masters level library of Leadership and Growth resources.

These resources, combined with twenty plus years of related experience form the foundations of our NexXT Chapter models that have led to better, healthier results on dozens of projects.

Aligned with our purpose, each NexXT Chapter supported leader receives our model(s) along with a comprehensive “toolbox” of resources.  This “toolbox” is portable and built for ongoing use.

Knowing leadership is both an honor and a responsibility to serve others, the most compelling form is leadership is by example.

With this in mind, we are honored to partner with you in supporting the very compelling chapter you’ll write nexXT!

- Michael Powell


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