NexXT Chapter Solutions Group

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Top 10 - Inspirational Leaders

Inspired by International Women’s Day, and in alignment with NexXT Chapter’s 10th anniversary, this top ten list includes themes of innovation and another that reinforces...

 “It’s not where you start – it’s how you finish” 

 10. HELEN KELLER - author, political activist and lecturer, she was the first deaf and blind person to earn a college degree, proving the only obstacle in achieving one's dream is yourself.

 9. ROSA PARKS - after refusing to give up her seat to a white person in Alabama in 1955, her courageous act sparked a turning point in the civil rights movement.

 8. ANNE FRANK – her diary detailing the harrowing account of her family's attempt to hide from the Nazis during the Holocaust has touched many and is remembered the world over.

 7. AMELIA EARHART – she soared as the first female aviator to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone.

 6. MAYA ANGELOU - activist and poet, her famous works of literature revolved around the themes of racism and identity.

“ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

But people will never forget how you made them feel.”

-        Maya Angelou 

 5. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT - an American political figure, diplomat and activist who significantly redefined the role of First Lady.  She was a vocal supporter of the civil rights movement and served as first chair of the UN Commission on Human Rights.

 4. MARGARET THATCHER - the longest serving Prime Minister of the UK in the 20th century and the first woman to hold that office.  Nicknamed "Iron Lady" for her uncompromising politics and leadership style, she led her country through the Falklands War and economic recovery.

 3. OPRAH WINFREY - overcame a tough childhood to build a media and business empire.  Her philanthropy is focused on education and has donated $425 M to date.  

 2. ANGELA MERKEL - the first female Chancellor of Germany and now in her fourth term.  She is the de facto leader of Europe and leads the region's largest economy after steering Germany through financial crisis and back to growth.

 And respectfully… 

1. My wife Pauline – her compassion and determination has raised two children, earned a Masters degree, completed a 1/2 marathon at two consecutive milestone birthdays and has built a proven track record of doubling organizational revenues, and DOUBLING them again in short order.

Who would you add to your list?