NexXT Chapter Solutions Group

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Top 10 List - 2020 Christmas Season

In the spirit of the season and aligned with NexXT Chapter’s 10th anniversary, here’s what we’re thankful for and looking forward to this season.

10. Time with my wife and staying connected with our family and friends, even if the connections are different this year 

9. Family movie favorites like Elf, the Sound of Music and It’s a Wonderful Life

8. Team Canada winning ANOTHER World Junior Hockey championship

7. Thankful for the joy and happiness a family pet brings to your home

6. The next talented player(s) the Toronto Blue Jays and Raptors will develop

5. The peace that comes from time spent in mother nature and in front of a firepit

4.. Our Edmonton Oilers remain the best Canadian NHL team this coming season

3. How Alberta is a viable solution to the worlds’ biggest challenges, including a healthy and stable supply of Energy, Food, Healthcare solutions and great experiences

2. Thankful to our clients and our partners for your ongoing referrals and support

and… drum roll…

1. Faith that we’ll come through this stronger